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ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS OF REGISTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Osceola Baseball Softball Association

Board Members

2024 Board Members

Penn Park OBSA is a 100% volunteer run organization.  Below are the dedicated volunteers that make up the Board of Directors:

 Nic Beery 
[email protected]

  Melissa Verhoeve
Vice President - Softball
[email protected]
Shaun Jacquez
Vice President - Baseball
[email protected] 
 Angela Boenne
[email protected]
  Scott Weber
[email protected]
 Ashley Swan
VP Registrations / Concession's Manager 
[email protected]
Nick Chenier
[email protected] 

Members at Large :
Heather Burns
Kyle Thornton
Cole Burns
Michael Tefft
Emily Tefft

T-Ball - Kayla Yoder
Pee-Wee - Kayla Yoder
Rookie Baseball - Michael Tefft
Minors Baseball - Michael Tefft
Pony Baseball - Open

Seniors Baseball - Nick Chenier
Rookie Softball - Melissa Verhoeve
Minors Softball - Melissa Verhoeve
Majors Softball - Melissa Verhoeve
Seniors Softball - Melissa Verhoeve

Player Agent Baseball / Softball - Open
Grounds Facility Coordinator - Nic Beery
Grounds Facility Assistant - Corbin Beery
Equipment Coordinator - Nick Chenier
Uniform / Spirit Wear - Ashley Swan
Social Media Relations Coordinator - Melissa Verhoeve / Angela Boenne
Sponsorships / Fundraising - Shaun Jacquez

If interested in joining our board, please reach out to any of the email addresses above and we can direct you in the proper direction.  

Executive board member positions are 2-year elected positions with elections occurring every September. Sub-commissioners may be assigned annually by the executive board.

Board meetings are held monthly typically in the 2nd week of the month. Penn Park families are welcome to attend board meetings. Please check the events calendar on our home page for up to date times and locations.

Vice President
Vice President
Vice President

About Us

We are located in Osceola, Indiana adjacent to Moran Elementary School at the end of Grand Blvd. Our 10-field park offers recreational Spring baseball and softball leagues for players 18 and under. Our fields are also available for rental to host tournaments for all-stars and travel teams. We are affiliated with Cal Ripken Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, and NSA Softball League.

Contact Us

Penn Park OBSA

P.O. Box 70 
Osceola, Indiana 46561

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